Rabu, 01 September 2010

Modem AHA (Hyper-speed Affordable Access)

Modem AHAModem AHA

nternet is now not only an entertainment but also now a requirement, where many transactions are done using Internet services. many companies now produce various kinds of internet modem where each product offering different advantages.

AHA (Hyper-speed Affordable Access) is a wireless broadband access products output Bakrie Connectivity (BConnect), a subsidiary of Bakrie Telecom.

Not just fast internet access, Bakrie Connectivity also offers a different Internet experience through value added services, applications and compelling content. AHA modem user interface has been built in the practical because the application directly to Google chrome, the Google search bar, Live online news ticker and Picasa will geatly facilitate the user in doin so their internet activity connected with Internet network. 
AHA Service rates start from Rp150/menit or USD 0.5/KB. Users can choose the package according to the maximum speed limit of the price of Rp 4,000 per day or 80,000 per month for speeds up to 200 Kbps up to Rp 10,000 per day or Rp 200,000 per day for speeds up to 3.1 Mbps.

if you need high-mobility in the use of internet services,,this internet modem is feasible for the try,,, 
copy from: isengzone

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